Requirements and guidelines for course assessments (under revision)

Short presentation with handout

  • Duration: About fifteen minutes
  • It should not be a pure reproducion of the text on which it is based, but an independent presentation of the topic
  • Sensible use of media (OHP, projector, blackboard, etc.)
  • Advance preparation of subjects for discussion


  • No more than two pages (one is preferable, but more if necessary by using illustrations)
  • Clear structure
  • Presentation of a historical issue in the introduction
  • The central issue should be adressed (again) in the final chapter. Please give a summary of your most important findings.
  • Do not forget the formalities (seminar, name, date, topic, etc.)
  • Indicate and attribute quotes (also when sourced from the internet)
  • Complete references

Short paper

  • Lenght: 8-12 pages
  • Development of a distinct issue
  • It should not be a pure reproduction of the text on which it based
  • Contribution of personal ideas and interpretations
  • Clear structure
  • Do not forget the formalities (seminar, name, date, topic, ect.)
  • Indicate and attribute quotes (also when sourced from the internet)

  • Complete and consistent bibliography and referencing

Longer paper

  • Except for postgraduate students the topic of the paper is connected to the course theme and must be agreed upon with the supervisor (Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig or another course lecturer).
  • Lenght: 25-30 pages
  • Ability to apply the methods taught (citation, scientific writing, development of historical issues, dealing with sources and research literature) should be demonstrated.