In the course Enterprise Organisation students learn about central business processes and their external influences by means of the reference model of business organisation. By reproducing the product, order and factory process, the interface to production and logistics is illustrated. The challenges in the field of production and logistics are presented by means of practical case studies and empirical investigations. Based on this, on the one hand the necessity of integrated management systems and on the other hand further essential cross-sectional functions in the area of accounting/controlling, financing and investment will be demonstrated. Finally, within this framework, the students will learn various methods to classify the interests of operationally relevant shareholders and stakeholders and to place them in the operational context. Finally, effects with regard to economy, ecology and social issues will be analyzed and quantified.
Introduction to enterprise organisation
Corporate values, visions and goals
Entrepreneurship and innovative product development
Personnel management and time management
Financial management and controlling
Integrated management systems
Corporate structures and processes
Organisation of manufacturing companies
Standardisation, digitalisation and transparency
Internationalisation and company mergers
Innovators dilemma and post-growth
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann, Dr.-Ing. Mark Mennenga
Semester: Summer semester
Credit points: 5
Exam date Winter Term 2024/25: 11.02.2025, 12:00 - 17:00, 30 minutes, meeting room 2, new building IWF, 2nd floor
Lecture Summer Term 2025: Thursday 13:15 - 14:45 (Start on 10.04.2025)
Exercise Summer Term 2025: Thursday 15:00 - 16:30 (First session will be announced at Lecture)
Room: LK 6.1, Langer Kamp 6, 38106 Braunschweig
Exam date Summer Term 2025: tbd
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