Cooperation with the city of Wittenberge
Within the lecture "Technologie von Pflasterdecken und Plattenbelägen" there will be a cooperation with the city of Wittenberge.
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Registration for DSR training courses now open.
Starting this year, we are offering a three-part training series for users of DSR tests, consisting of DSR Basic Training, DSR Advanced Training and DSR Expert Training. The DSR courses are conducted in German.
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ISBS presents at Eurobitume Academia Webinar
On 07th July 2022 Johannes Büchner and Prof. Michael Wistuba presented current ISBS research activities on the topic “Performance Testing of Bitumen and Mastic in DSR”. They where invited by Eurobitume to have a presentation a the second Academia Webinar. 47 experts from Eurobitume member companies from all over Europe participated.
KEMNA Prize 2021 Award
On 07.07.2022, Rieka Herzog received the KEMNA Prize 2021 for her outstanding master thesis "Einsatz von BIOMEREN als viskositätsverändernde Zusätze im Bitumen".
Matthäi Prize 2020 Award
After several postponements, the Matthäi Prize 2020 was awarded last Friday to our colleague Tess Sigwarth for her outstanding master thesis on "Visualization of rheological bitumen data with the 2S2P1D model". The ceremonial presentation was made by the CEO of Matthäi Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Afflerbach.
Prizes for young engineers
As reported by the university's web magazine, three theses from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences have received awards from the Foundation of the Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony this year, among them the work of our colleague Johannes Büchner.
Incorporation Bitumenkompetenzzentrum (BKZ)
Together with Prof. Wistuba, Dr.-Ing. Johannes Büchner established a technology transfer center called Bitumenkompetenzzentrum (BKZ) in the Innovationsgesellschaft Technische Universität Braunschweig mbH (iTUBS). This enables commercial knowledge and technology transfer between industry and science for any issues relating to bituminous binders.
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Award from Stiftung der Ingenieurkammer Niedersachsen
Johannes Büchner's dissertation, entitled "Asphalt Mastic Testing in Dynamic Shear Rheometer", completed in February 2021, was awarded with the 2022 Stiftungspreis by the Stiftung der Ingenieurkammer Niedersachsen. The prize is awarded annually in recognition of excellent scientific theses from engineering science and technology completed at university locations in Lower Saxony.
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2nd Interlaboratory Study using the 4 mm geometry in the DSR
The final report is now available under the following link.
New publication Scientific Series
Johannes Büchner's dissertation, "Asphalt Mastic Testing in the Dynamic Shear Rheometer", has been published as issue 38 of the Scientific Series.
The dissertation is available open access.
New publication Scientific Series
Reinhard Lohmann-Pichlers dissertation, "Zum Schichtenverbund in Asphaltstraßen und zu dessen Berücksichtigung in der Straßenerhaltungsplanung der ASFINAG", has been published as issue 37 of the Scientific Series.
New publication Scientific Series
Di Wang's dissertation, "Investigation on the effect of aging temperature and experimental conditions on the rheological properties of asphalt binder", has been published as issue 36 of the Scientific Series.
Publication of the book "Straßenbaustoff Asphalt" by Prof. Wistuba
Orders are gladly accepted in the secretary's office of Mrs. Wolf. Details in the download.
International Interlaboratory Study regarding 4mm geometry in the DSR
The final report is now available for download.
Book presentation by Prof. Wistuba
In the winter semester 2018/19 Prof. Wistuba wrote a book entitled "Straßenbaustoff Asphalt".
Matthäi Prize 2018
On July 9, Mrs. Julija Gossen was awarded the Matthäi Prize 2018 for her master's thesis "Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Bestimmung der optimalen Menge des Verjüngungsmittels im Asphaltmischgut". We congratulate very warmly.
EUROVIA Road Construction Prize
In the course of the lecture "Straßenbautechnik in der Praxis", Dr. Johannsen today awarded the EUROVIA Road Construction Prize to Mr. Finn Lorenzl for his master thesis entitled "Bestimmung des optimalen Gehaltes an Rejuvenatoren in einem Asphaltmischgut mit hohem Asphalt Recycling Anteil". We congratulate him very warmly.
Kemna Prize 2018
In recognition of her outstanding scientific work in the field of asphalt road construction, Mrs. Jana Hoffmann was awarded the Kemna Prize 2018 on May 8, 2019. In her master thesis she dealt with the topic "Rheologische Untersuchungen zum Tieftemperaturverhalten von Asphaltmastix". We congratulate him very warmly.
2019 Robert L'Hermite Medalist
The Braunschweig Pavement Engineering Centre is privileged and delighted to congratulate team member Prof. Dr. Augusto Cannone Falchetto on being awarded RILEM's prestigious 2019 Robert L'Hermite Medal:
(...) Augusto Cannone Falchetto’s research focusses on infrastructure materials and pavement engineering and combines experimental research, advanced analysis and modelling. (...) Throughout his career, Professor Cannone Falchetto has made outstanding contributions to the field, which is evident in his widely published and cited work. As an active RILEM member he has been involved in several Technical Committees and contributed to State-of-the-Art Reports, technical papers and recommendations. Based on sound application of scientific principles, his research has developed strong practical relevance and attracted recognition through numerous awards and invited presentations. (RILEM)
The Robert L’Hermite Medal is awarded each year to a researcher who has made an exceptional scientific contribution to the field of construction materials and structures.
Professorship at the Ostfalia University
We congratulate Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Walther, who will take over the professorship for "Straßenbau und Baubetrieb" at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences on May 1, 2019. Axel Walther received his doctorate at the TU Braunschweig in 2014 and was a research assistant at the ISBS from 2009 to 2018.
Prof. Arand deceased
With sadness and sympathy we have to announce that our former director of the institute, Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Arand, died on 08.03.2019 at the age of 90 years. For further information please contact our secretary's office. Obituary for Professor Arand.
New publication Scientific Series
The dissertation of Ivan Isailović, "On fatigue and recovery of road asphalt mixtures", was published as issue 35 of the Scientific Series.