Project Partners from University of Hamburg
Project Partners from Technische Universität Braunschweig
Knowledge is a key variable in science communication, especially in terms of the knowledge deficit model or the Public Understanding of Science approach. According to this, it is assumed that the lay public's knowledge of science topics needs to be increased through science communication (especially via the media) in order to strengthen positive attitudes toward science and its topics. However, previous studies have mainly revealed only small correlations between media use, knowledge and attitudes. One of the reasons for this might be methodological deficits, since the question what knowledge about science topics actually is has hardly been discussed so far. Therefore, this research project focuses on the following aspects: how knowledge about topics such as climate change should be theoretically conceptualized, which dimensions exist, and how knowledge can be operationalized within survey studies.
- Taddicken, M., Reif A., & Hoppe, I. (2018). Wissen, Nichtwissen, Unwissen, Unsicherheit: Zur Operationalisierung und Auswertung von Wissensitems am Beispiel des Klimawissens. In N. Janich & L. Rhein (Eds.), Unsicherheit als Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft: Reflexion aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Reihe: Wissen - Kompetenz - Text (p. 113-140). Peter Lang.
- Taddicken, M., Reif, A., & Hoppe, I. (2018). ‘What do people know about climate change — and how confident are they? On measurements and analyses of science related knowledge’. JCOM 17 (03), A01.
- Taddicken, M., Reif, A., & Hoppe, I. (2017, May). Knowledge, Ignorance, and (Un)certainty: Operationalization and Analysis of Knowledge, on the Example of Climate Change [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA.
- Taddicken, M., Reif, A., & Hoppe, I. (2016, February). Wissen, Nichtwissen, Unwissen: Zur Operationalisierung und Auswertung von Wissensabfragen unter Berücksichtigung der Unsicherheit am Beispiel des Klimawissens [Presentation]. WissKomm, Dresden, Germany.