Which fruits are healthy for us humans and which ones should we rather keep our hands off? How do fruits and seeds spread and how do they differ in their structure? In this program, students examine different types of fruits with magnifying glasses and binoculars. On a field trip through the Botanical Garden, they learn about some of our native shrubs and explore the importance of shrubs and hedges as habitats for wildlife.
Students will ...
analyze different ways of seed dispersal and the structure of different fruits
produce factual drawings
use magnifying glasses and binoculars appropriately
playfully assign different flowers and fruits to the appropriate shrubs
distinguish poisonous from non-poisonous fruits
determine the importance of hedges as a habitat
Competencies in the sense of ESD:
The students ...
recognize systemic relationships of different species
identify the importance of hedges as a habitat for many animal species and thus the importance of preserving this biotope