In the course of implementing the Bologna resolutions, the courses of study in civil engineering and industrial engineering (specialization: construction) have been offered at the TU Braunschweig since the winter semester 2007/08 as a 6-semester bachelor's course and since the winter semester 2008/09 as a 4-semester master's course building on this.
The Institute of Construction Economics and Construction Management (IBB) teaches students in the above-mentioned courses as well as interested students of architecture and environmental engineering the technical, economic and legal fundamentals for the planning, organization, work preparation, contractually secure execution and accounting of construction measures of all kinds.
Whereas in the past "building" was primarily understood to mean the production of structures with one's own employees and equipment, today this is increasingly receding into the background in construction practice. In many sectors of construction, "building" means the management of construction implementation with a large number of external participants on both the planning and execution side. University teaching must take this into account. It should also be borne in mind that the term management in construction differs in many aspects from the general conception of the term: Construction management is also management, but always with a strong technical reference. Construction (business) management training therefore has special requirements.
In addition to the - still cultivated - classical subject matter of construction process engineering, which has become increasingly demanding and whose mastery is still required of TU graduates, knowledge of the methods of scheduling and cost planning, organization and contract management is required much more clearly than in the past. Teaching at IBB has adapted to this.
IBB makes great efforts to provide students with skills and insights that go beyond the requirements of later day-to-day business and allow graduates to assert themselves in a constantly changing professional environment.