International Actions Against Plastic Pollution Dataset

International Actions Against Plastic Pollution Dataset

Dataset on anti-plastic activities of non-state actors on the international level

The dataset “International Actions Against Plastic Pollution” was developed with a focus on non-state actors and comprises 106 cases of anti-plastic activities on the international level. The dataset only includes activities that existed between 2015 and October 2019 and that have a transnational focus. Specifically, the data represents governance efforts of non-state actors in the field of international anti-plastics regulation.

The cases are classified according to the types of actors involved as well as the type of anti-plastic activities present. The actors are differentiated in non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies, NGO or business associations, multi-stakeholder arrangements and public-private partnerships. They can engage in initiatives, campaigns, networks, projects or forums. Also, the dataset categorizes anti-plastic initiatives regarding the plastic product addressed, the objectives and strategies for achieving those objectives, the addressees as well as the motivation of the actors involved.

Thus, the dataset provides an overview of existing activities against plastic pollution and is useful to examine the content, strategies and motivations behind these actions.