
Research at the Institute of International Relations (IIR) focuses on theoretical and empirical analyses of global governance, international institutions and organizations. In particular, we work on questions of security policy, including new security threats, analyses of the diffusion of regulation and norms, and the significance of global network formation or new governance actors.


A note on so-called external doctorates:

As a matter of principle, no external or part-time doctorates are supervised at this institute, since the necessary proximity to current, international research and the accompanying, necessary quality of the dissertation is hardly possible for externals in a part-time position. Very narrowly defined exceptions exist only for potential doctoral candidates who work simultaneously and in the long term in a professional field clearly relevant to research at the IIR (e.g., security institutions, diplomacy) and who, in addition to their own research interest and the formal requirements, can demonstrably devote the time necessary for a doctorate. Requests for supervision motivated primarily by a 'title' will be rejected without exception, regardless of qualifications.