Coordinator for services in the areas of academic skills, wellbeing and organisation & management and responsible for internationalisation, committee work and public relations
+49 531 391 14050
Availability: Mo-Wed, in the mornings & Thu, in the morning and afternoon
Coordinator for agile and classic project management programmes and contact person for doctoral researchers at the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) as well as the topics of reporting, controlling, process management, coodination of student assistants, registration with GradTUBS
Availability: Wed-Fr, until 3pm
Coordinator for services in the areas of communication, careers & perspectives and responsible for equal opportunities, counselling on doctoral achievements, public relations work
Availability: Mo-Thu, in the mornings
Secretary's Office, responsible for room bookings, contracts, invoice processing
Availability: Mo-Fr, in the mornings
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS
Bültenweg 88
38106 Braunschweig