Participation authorisation
GradTUBS may be used by all doctoral candidates who are doing their doctorate in accordance with the doctoral regulations of the TU Braunschweig or the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) and have a first supervisor at one of the two institutions. The use of GradTUBS services is possible until the time of the defence. If the examination is passed, the authorisation to use GradTUBS ends. In the event of failing the defence and the associated extension of the doctorate, the GradTUBS services can still be used.
Registration with GradTUBS Graduate Academy
A registration is required to participate in events organised by the GradTUBS Graduate Academy. Once you have registered, you can book individual courses via Stud.IP.
Deregistration of events
If your plans have changed, we would ask you to cancel early in the interests of collegiality. As soon as you know that you cannot attend, please cancel your registration for the event. This is the only way to give interested parties on the waiting list the chance to take part in the event. You can cancel your registration in Stud.IP up to one week before the start of the course without giving a reason. Unexcused absences will result in an immediate participation ban of 6 months.