Delfina Cornejo from Spain is a scientist from CEAB (Centre d´Estudis Avançats de Blanes) doing a short-term stay since December 6th, 2022. She is…
A PhD position (TV-L E13 65%) is available in the Isodrones working group. We are looking for a motivated and open-minded applicant who is committed…
Researchers from the TU Braunschweig in new WissenHoch2 documentary on 3sat.
Since 01.04.2022, Dr. Caiyan Feng has been working as a research associate in the Working Group Environmental Geochemistry. She is working on the…
On Feb. 17, 2022, Sara Zaferani successfully defended her dissertation thesis entitled Role of primary production for sequestration of natural and…
A drought in the rainforest? - difficult to imagine, but certainly a realistic scenario. To find out how trees behave during such a dry phase, one of…
From 15.07.21 Jasmin Janeczko supports the AG Environmental Geochemistry in the administration office.
We wish her a good start and look forward to…
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