Swetha comes from the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee and is here through the DAAD programme WISE (Working Internships in Science and…
Juan Morales Arteaga started his postdoc work in the DFG project Assessing Hg Accumulation in Leaves and Fluxes between Vegetation and Top-Soil in…
The 4th floor of the IGÖ will be refurbished and renovated over the next few weeks. As asbestos was found during planning, the floor will not be…
The project called Hydraulic Redistribution (HR) at the Field Scale: New approaches to measure and assess the implications of HR for the resilience of…
The projects entitled Controls of Primary Production on Southern Ocean Mercury Cycling (COPPSOM) and Assessing Hg Accumulation in Leaves and Fluxes…
Julian Fricke successfully defended his dissertation paper titled "Surface complexation and reactive transport modeling: batch sorption and column…
That research at the IGÖ is also interesting for small and hobby gardeners was perhaps only known to institute insiders until now. In the well-known…
What is the condition of the city trees in Braunschweig? How much carbon do they sequester? And how can we ensure a future for healthy, green cities…
At the 2023 graduation ceremony, Jolan Hogreve and Vera Brandtner received the Mätthai Award for their excellent Master's degree. Mario Feifel…
Student assistant (m/f/d) wanted immediately in Environmental Geochemistry department
Job Offer
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