Since 01.02.2021 Yusdiel Torres-Cambas is working as an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc (research stipend of the Georg-Forster Program) on spatial…
In a new publication, researchers from the Department of Environmental Systems Analysis and Landscape Ecology have analyzed the change in the…
In the TU Magazine, Gabriel David introduces the interdisciplinary junior research group "Future Urban Coastlines". The group with researchers from…
PhD Position Project Gute Küste
Dr. Christoph von Redwitz, Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerland und Grünland, Julius-Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig: Unkraut: Konkurrent und…
We welcome Lydia Rösel as a new associate member of the working group Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis. She will finish her…
Since 01.10.2021 Christine Schottmüller is working on her PhD in the framework of the TUBS Junior Research Group Future Urban Coastlines (jointly with…
From 30.08. to 01.09.2021 the 50th annual meeting of the Society for Ecology GfÖ took place online, hosted by the IGÖ and the Thünen Institute. More…
As part of the 2021 summer measurement campaign, Lower Saxony's Minister of Science and Culture, Björn Thümler, accompanied the "Gute Küste…
After finishing her master thesis on bird diversity at the Braunschweig Ringgleis, Jana Nitsch will support the team in the joint project Energy4Agri…
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