29.01.2024, 11 am, online
Dr. Damien Finn, TU Braunschweig, Institut für Geoökologie: Are the effects of field size and crop diversity on farmland…
Eleonora Franceschi, Lehrstuhl für Waldwachstumskunde, TU München: Stadtbäume im Klimawandel – Wachstum, Struktur und Ökosystemdienstleistungen
Christine Schottmüller from the IGÖ's Landscape Ecology working group and doctoral student in the interdisciplinary junior research group "Future…
Since 16 November 2023, Prof. Dr Boris Schröder-Esselbach is Head of the Department of Plant Ecology at the Institute of Ecology at Technische…
Damien Finn has been working as a postdoc in the Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis group since 1 November 2023. As part of a DFG…
With the start of the coming winter semester, there will be personnel changes at the Institute of Geoecology (IGÖ), which we would like to briefly…
At the 2023 Open Day of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and Dr Michael Strohbach (IGÖ, Landscape…
An event of the Garden Network Braunschweig. With a lecture by Dr. Michael Strohbach (Landscape Ecology & Environmental Systems Analysis) on the topic…
What is the condition of the city trees in Braunschweig? How much carbon do they sequester? And how can we ensure a future for healthy, green cities…
At the 2023 graduation ceremony, Jolan Hogreve and Vera Brandtner received the Mätthai Award for their excellent Master's degree. Mario Feifel…
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