Course | Type | Module | Lecturer |
Mineralogie und Petrographie | VÜ | Geosphäre II - Mineralogie/Petrographie und Geo-/Hydrochemie | Biester |
Grundzüge der Geochemie und Hydrochemie | VÜ | Geosphäre II - Mineralogie/Petrographie und Geo-/Hydrochemie | Biester |
Analytisch-geochemisches Praktikum | VÜ | Analytische Methoden der anorganischen Geochemie | Biester, Pérez-Rodríguez |
Geosphere II - Mineralogy/Petrography and Geo-/Hydrochemistry (4th semester BA)
Understanding of the relationships between thermodynamic principles and inorganic hydrochemistry and geochemistry of natural systems such as water bodies and soils. Ability to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic processes. Basic knowledge of material flows in the environment. Application of basic geochemical knowledge to anthropogenically caused environmental problems. Ability to calculate chemical reaction equilibria. Basic knowledge about the behaviour of some important pollutants and geochemical archives in the environment.
Analytical methods of inorganic geochemistry (5th semester)
Since the evaluation of geochemical-oriented geoecological problems in most cases is based on the evaluation and evaluation of measurement data, the ability to evaluate geochemical measurement data against the background of the applied analytical methods and the selected sampling strategy is the central qualification goal of this course. After the lecture part, the students are able to develop suitable sampling strategies for a geochemical problem and to select suitable analytical methods. Furthermore, they have the knowledge to assess the quality of measurement data based on valid standards and limit values. Due to the knowledge acquired in the practical part, they are also able to carry out the sampling of different environmental matrices independently and apply different analytical methods, evaluate their data and classify them with regard to correctness and relevance.
Course | Type | Module | Lecturer |
Anorganische Schadstoffe in der Umwelt | V | Schadstoffe in der Umwelt | Biester |
Biogeochemische Kreisläufe | VÜ | Einführung und Dateninterpretation | Biester, Pérez-Rodríguez |
Biogeochemische Kreisläufe | VÜ | Anwendungen und Projektplanung | Biester, Pérez-Rodríguez |
Umweltgeochemisches Projektpraktikum | Praktikum | Biogeochemische Kreisläufe: Anwendungen und Projektplanung | Biester, Pérez-Rodríguez |
Einführung in die geochemische Modellierung aquatischer Systeme | VÜ | Geochemische Modellierung und Fallstudien | Biester |
Einführung in die Funktion und Modellierung von Standgewässern | VÜ | Angewandte Limnologie und Modellierung von Seen und Talsperren | Biester, Rinke (UFZ Magdeburg) |
Isotopentechniken im System Grundwasser-Boden | VÜ | Beyer, Stadler | |
Isotopenanwendungen im System Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre | VÜ | Beyer, Stadler |
Environmental pollutants (1st semester)
Knowledge of the most important inorganic pollutants and the processes and control variables that control their behaviour in the environment on different scales (local, regional, global). Learning of assessment criteria for contaminated sites (soil, groundwater and water bodies). Overview of the most important remediation concepts for contaminated soils and groundwaters.
Environmental geochemistry Biogeochemical cycles: introduction and data interpretation (1st semester)
Students are familiarised with various techniques, tools and strategies for the geochemical analysis of environmental systems. By applying these techniques and strategies, students will gain a deeper understanding of environmental geochemical processes on different temporal and spatial scales, including the differentiation and quantification of anthropogenic versus natural processes.
Environmental geochemistry: Biogeochemical cycles: applications and project planning (2nd semester)
Students will learn to independently design, plan, implement, evaluate and discuss the data basis of a scientific project in the field of environmental geochemistry, including sample projects (DFG/BMBF). The module includes sampling in the field, sample analysis in the UGC laboratory, data evaluation and discussion, presentation. (Knowledge from the module Biogeochemical Cycles: Introduction is required)
Geochemical modelling and case studies (2nd semester)
Building on the basics of aquatic geochemistry, skills should be learned that allow independent work on geochemical problems using geochemical models. Students will be able to approach physical-geochemical processes in the environment by extending the basics of mathematical formulation. They will also gain an understanding of the structure and concept of geochemical models, as well as their possibilities and limitations. They acquire the ability to independently parameterize simple geochemical processes in the environment.
In cooperation with the UFZ Magdeburg: Applied Limnology and Modelling of Lakes and Dams (1st Semester)
Students will learn the most important concepts for evaluating the water quality of reservoirs and lakes and to characterize the relevant influencing variables. They gain competences in the application of lake models for water quality management, for the development of management concepts for standing waters and for the ecosystem analysis of lake ecosystems. Finally, practical experience in sampling, sample analysis and water management practice will be imparted during the excursion week.
The current courses are available on Stud.IP
Information and timetables Bachelor Information and timetables Master