
Below you can find articles and conference presentations that are the result of our team's joint research on "communicating scientists" and "science communication training". Please get in touch for access to full texts or further information!


Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Hendriks, F., & Bromme, R. (2022). Researchers’ Public Engagement in the Context of Interdisciplinary Research Programs: Learning and Reflection from Boundary Crossing. Science Communication44(6), 693–718.


Online publications

Hendriks, F, Banse, L., & Fick, J. (2023). Wie können Wissenschaftler*innen dazu motiviert und befähigt werden, im Bereich Wissenschaftskommunikation aktiv zu werden? — Ein Forschungsüberblick. Berlin: Transfer Unit Wissenschaftskommunikation.

Conference Presentations


Banse, L., & Hendriks, F. (2024, September). Linking research topic characteristics with scientists‘ willingness to engage in public discourses. Presentation at the 10th European Communication Conference. Ljubljana, Slowenia. 

Banse, L., Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2024, June). Centralized vs. Decentralized Science Communication in Universities: Differences in the Professional Role Identities of University Communicators in Various Organizational Contexts. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK). Zürich, Switzerland.

Banse, L., Hendriks, F., & Taddicken, M. (2024, June). Linking scientists’ communication with laypeople to their professional role identities. Paper [digitally] presented at the the 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Gold Coast, Australia.

Biermann, K., Banse, L. & Taddicken, M. (2024, March). „Motivieren, begeistern, fröhliche Gesichter, leuchtende Augen“: Die Rolle von Public Engagement in der Wissenschaftskommunikation deutscher Hochschulkommunikator*innen. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK 2024. Erfurt, Deutschland.


Banse, L., Hendriks, F. & Taddicken, M. (2023, September). „Das ist zwar wichtig, aber ich denke mir: Bleib bei deinen Leisten!“ – Die Position von Wissenschaftskommunikation im System beruflicher Rollenidentitäten erfahrener MINT-Forschender. Paper presented at the annual conference of the 2023 DGPuK's specialist groups Science Communication and Journalism/Journalism Research. Passau, Deutschland.

Fick, J., Kumpmann, N., & Hendriks, F. (2023, Juli). Teaching Science Communication to Master Students in STEM. Paper presented at the 18th European Congress of Psychology. Brighton, Vereinigtes Königreich.

Fick, J., Kumpmann, N., & Hendriks, F. (2023, August). Development and Evaluation of a Science Communication Training for Master Students in STEM. Paper presented at the 20th European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference. Thessaloniki, Griechenland.

Fick, J. (2023, September). Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an Evidence-based Science Communication Training Program. Paper presented at the Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Venice Symposium. Venedig, Italien.

Hendriks, F. & Banse, L. (2023, September). Motivationen und Barrieren für eigenständige Wissenschaftskommunikation individueller Wissenschaftler:innen – Ein Literatur-Review. Paper presented at the annual conference of the 2023 DGPuK's specialist groups Science Communication and Journalism/Journalism Research. Passau, Deutschland.


Fick, J., Hendriks, F., Kumpmann, N., Banse, L., Taddicken, M. & Thies, B. (2022). Development and evaluation of a science communication training for early career researchers. Paper presented at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Hildesheim, Deutschland.