Accreditation & Support

You have confirmation for a university placement and an internship? Your funding is taken care of? Then it's time to take the final steps of your preparation!

Accreditation of study achievements

In order to receive credit for your studies and your internship, you must clarify all administrative matters in advance. Talk to your host university and host school about the credit requirements you must fulfil there, and have your plans signed by your host university and host school, as well as by the respective responsible persons at TU Braunschweig. Concrete agreements and written confirmations should be in your own interest. Under "Support" you will find all important information and further links at a glance.



On the page of the International House you will find information about all steps of the academic accreditation at the TU Braunschweig.

Accreditation of an in-depth internship

You can have a school internship credited as a specialisation internship if you complete your undergraduate degree and take the internship abroad for at least six weeks under the specified conditions and with written confirmation from the school abroad. For concrete arrangements, please contact Dr. Schünemann.

Accreditation of a compulsory stay abroad at the Institute for English and American Studies

You can have an internship at a school abroad credited at the Institute of English and American Studies if the internship lasts at least three months and you receive written confirmation from the school abroad. For concrete arrangements, please contact Dr. Barnes.

Preparation at TU Braunschweig

Students who wish to go abroad must fulfil the same requirements for the specialisation internship as those who do their internship in Braunschweig. You can find more information here:

Classroom Management Training

registration for the in-depth internship

Preparations for your stay abroad

You can find on overview of the necessary travel arrangements on the website of the International House:

for studies abroad

for internships abroad



Now you are ready to take off. We wish you pleasent journey!


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