International Teacher Education

International Teacher Education

Whether you want to do a semester or a school internship abroad - Let's discover the world!

Current announcements

Laholm/Sweden: School Internships 2024

Apply for a school internship at Osbecksgymnasiet in Laholm (near Halmstad in the Halland region) at least six months before your desired start date.

Please note: Funding for the internship is possible with a DAAD-Lehramt.International scholarship or Erasmus+ and/or AuslandsBAföG. The TU Braunschweig offers Erasmus study places at the nearby University of Halmstad. Both stays could be combined.

DAAD Lehramt.International Scholarships: Funding of School Internships 2024

Apply from 01.06.2024 to 01.07.2024 for funding for school internships abroad starting between 01.09.2024 and 01.12.2024.

Upcoming accnouncements

PAD foreign language assistance 2025/26

Apply from July 2024 for a placement and funding of school internships abroad during the academic year 2024/25.

PROMOS scholarship 2025

Apply with a confirmation from your host institution by 31st January 2023 for funding for your school placement abroad in the calender year 2025.

Erasmus places 2025/26

Apply by 31st January 2025 for an Erasmus place for the academic year 2024/25!

Our offer for student teachers

Internationalisation of teacher education at TU Braunschweig

Diversity shapes our society and thus our classrooms. It is critical that prospective teachers are aware of this topic and the challenges it poses, as well as that they develop intercultural skills. Universities should create an appropriate offer for this purpose. The DAAD supports universities with its programme "Lehramt.International". With "Go Out - Come In", the TU Braunschweig belongs to the programme's model projects. The goals are to institutionalise bilateral exchange structures, to increase the mobility of students and lecturers, and to expand the offers for internationalisation@home. The project offers student teachers the chance to receive a scholarship for a semester abroad followed by an internship abroad. In addition, the DAAD awards further scholarships for internships abroad.


DAAD Lehramt.International