On this page you will find everything you need to know about the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science.
This Bachelor's degree programme covers all areas of computer science. All students must take compulsory and compulsory elective courses in computer science, mathematics and a minor subject. Every student must complete at least one work placement. In addition, a final thesis lasting three months must be completed.
In order to complete the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science, you must earn a total of 180 credit points (CP).
The credit points are distributed across the various areas of the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science as follows:
The sample timetables are intended as a structuring aid for your study programme. However, they are not binding and can be adapted by you depending on the time and effort required.
The total scope of the Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science is 180 credit points (CP). The exact number of credit points for the modules listed below can be found in the examination regulations that apply to you
Sample timetables Bachelor BPO 2017
Click on the respective image to display the sample timetable.
We recommend that students organise a semester abroad in good time. Due to the lead time, it is advisable to plan a semester abroad from the 3rd semester onwards. Due to the wide range of options in the Bachelor's programme, it is relatively easy to have credits from abroad recognised. You can obtain further information on the recognition procedure from your international coordinator.
Information on possible partner universities can be found on the website of the International Office. Plan your semester abroad well in advance, as the application deadlines are approx. 5 (Erasmus, Europe) or 9 (rest of the world) months before the start of the semester abroad. Relevant information on formalities and funding opportunities can also be found on the website of the International Office. Please also look out for the monthly information events on Europe and overseas.
When studying, it is essential to always be quickly supplied with the most important information.
The Computer Science mailing list (cs-studs) is the central information channel and provides information on current dates and news. It is also intended to promote dialogue between students and serve as a discussion forum. It is also used to publicise company-related vacancies (e.g. jobs, internships, student traineeships).