Do you have questions about the Master's degree programme in Digital Communication and Media Technologies? The degree programme coordination will be happy to help you plan your studies at TU Braunschweig!
Master of Arts (M.A.) oder Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard Period of Study
4 semester
120 LP
Start of Studies
winter or summer semester
Application Deadline
01. Juni bis 15. Juli (Wintersemester) bzw. 01. Dezember bis 15. Januar (Sommersemester)
Admission Requirements
Qualified Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Communication Science or Media Studies or Media Technology, or Digital Media Technologies or a closely related subject. If you do not fulfil all the requirements, it may be possible to be admitted with conditions. The exact requirements can be found in the admission regulations.
Research-oriented Master's degree programme (degree entitles to a subsequent doctorate)
Bachelor's degree in Communication Science, Media Science, Media Technology or a closely related degree programme
Knowledge and qualifications from the following subject areas amounting to at least 30 credit points, of which at least 10 credit points from at least two of the areas A-D and at least 10 credit points from area E:
A) Mathematical fundamentals
B) Electrical engineering basics (hardware)
C) Computer Science (Software)
D) Communication and telecommunications technology
E) Communication science/media science
If the 30 credit points are not (yet) available as required, admission may be granted subject to conditions. If you have any questions, please contact the degree programme coordinator.
If you have not yet completed your Bachelor's degree, it is also possible to apply with at least 83% of the total required credit points (i.e. 150 of 180 LP or 175 of 210 LP).
If you have any questions about the formalities or the application portal, please contact the Admissions Office directly.
International students If you are applying with an international degree, additional documents may be required. The staff at the International House will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
As a graduate of the Master's in Digital Communication and Media Technologies, you will have project experience and problem-solving skills and will be ideally prepared for leading positions at the interface between technology, media and people.
The interdisciplinary approach and the wide range of elective options in the Master's degree program offer you the opportunity to prepare yourself individually and flexibly for the demands of the job market. You will be qualified to work independently and academically and trained for demanding activities that will enable you to take on managerial and leading positions in media and business enterprises. The degree also qualifies students for a doctorate.
You will acquire skills and specialist knowledge from two very different areas, enabling you to pursue a communication-oriented activity later in your career, such as in internal corporate communication, project management or marketing with insights into technical and IT processes, or a technology-oriented activity, such as in the system development of information and communication systems with the ability to integrate people and society as a relevant factor.
When working in the field of human-machine interfaces, you can contribute your expertise from both fields of study. For example, such expertise is urgently needed in the development of new user interfaces such as augmented reality or displays in autonomous systems.
Last but not least, you will be able to communicate technology and engage in a discursive exchange about technological innovations. The field of science and technology communication, or more generally the transfer from science to the public, is becoming increasingly important. In addition to communication skills and a basic understanding of human and social processing and exchange processes, specialist knowledge of technology and computer science is required. Graduates of the "Digital Communication and Media Technologies" degree program are therefore particularly suited to these activities.
Depending on the chosen specialization and your own practical experience, the course opens up career opportunities in the following areas, for example:
Education and science
Consulting (media and political consulting)
Data science / data analyst
Information technology and communications engineering
(IT) project management & consulting
Journalism (online editing, technical editing, video journalism, science journalism, etc.)
Building on your previous media, communication science or technical studies, you will expand and deepen your profile for the interface between information, media technology and communication in the Master's degree course in Digital Communication and Media Technologies.
You will expand your technical expertise and acquire additional communication science skills, which you will apply in a practical and research-oriented manner to current subject areas. Your fundamental and in-depth knowledge of individual and social contexts of communication and impact processes promotes the transfer to society. The interdisciplinary approach and elective options of the Master's degree program allow you to prepare yourself individually and flexibly for the demands of the job market.
The four-semester course teaches coordinated skills from selected fields of research in communication science, communication technology and media and business informatics.
The core area (compulsory modules)
In the interdisciplinary area, the connection between the core areas of digital communication and media technologies is made clear to you at the beginning of your studies, the added value of interdisciplinary thinking is conveyed and interface skills are promoted. At the same time, you will gain an initial understanding of the different disciplinary perspectives on the subjects of the course. The interdisciplinary module thus also forms a basis for your own specialization in the further course of your studies.
In the field of digital communication, fundamental structures and processes of digital communication are analysed and researched on an individual and societal level. You will be trained to recognise and assess the social significance and impact of technology - e.g. in the form of social media or language assistants. They learn the in-depth methodological skills and statistical analysis procedures required for this and implement these in their own empirical projects. In the field of science communication research, you will reflect on various normative communication models for the relationship between science and the public and deal with current issues such as the perception of the comprehensibility of experts or the relationship of trust.
In the field of media technologies, you will deal with the basic models and concepts of information and communication technology, software development, methods of probability theory and statistics, the basic functioning and technologies of current communication networks and the conceptual architecture of modern communication systems. You will learn the principles and the current standard of mobile radio, the basic channel, system and signal models of communications engineering and basic knowledge of the field of human-machine interaction.
Project area (compulsory elective modules)
In the communication science or media technology project module, you will apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in a research project in your chosen study profile. You will further develop new technical and scientific problems or test new ideas in professional tasks.
Specialisation area (compulsory elective modules)
The specialisation area (23 LP) allows you to focus and specialize according to your individual interests and abilities. For orientation purposes, related profiles are suggested to you when choosing your specialization:
Digitalisation and technology
Communication of science and technology
Business communication and information
However, it is also possible to select individual modules according to your interests and career goals, giving you the greatest possible freedom of choice.
Master's Thesis
The topic of the final Master's thesis can be chosen independently, depending on your specialisation. The Master's thesis can either focus on media technologies (Graduation: Master of Science) or digital communication (Graduation: Master of Arts). It is also possible to combine the Master's thesis with modules from the specialisation area.