Latest news and information events

Infomational Events

Join the "Niedersachsen-Technikum"

The Niedersachsen-Technikum offers guidance for all young women who are currently studying for their A-levels and are interested in STEM studies and professions.

Find out more about the Niedersachsen-Technikum at one of our information events. If you would like to take part in one of these events, please register using the registration form or via e-mail. For online meetings, you will receive a link with the access data in advance. All you need is a smartphone, laptop or computer. You are welcome to use a camera, but this is not a requirement for participation.



Dates and registration

Upcoming information events

New information will follow shortly.

The events will be held in German.

A note for teachers, parents, careers advisors and other educators

We will be happy to send you information material and are also available for on-site or online presentations. Please contact us if you are interested.