Gender Equality

The Equal Opportunity Office supports pupils, students and early career researchers and participates in tailor-made programmes for various qualification levels - including in the STEM field. We developed these mono-educational equal opportunities measures as part of the Women Professors Programme III; they build on each other and support the academic career path to professorship

PROfessorin is a relief programme and offers female professors compensation funds if they are disproportionately involved in academic self-administration.

PhD Finishing Grant is aimed at qualified young female academics whose completion of their doctorate has been delayed for family reasons or for reasons of particular hardship.

FEMentoring is aimed at female (post-)doctoral students and junior professors, supports them in their academic careers and prepares them for the academic selection process. This offer is flanked by career-supporting networking events and other qualification and information offers for young female academics as part of the FEMnet programme.

Femtec is a career-building programme for female STEM students on a Master's degree course, in which they prepare for their professional practice and management tasks together with other female students from Germany and Switzerland with a technical and scientific background.

The aim of fiMINT culture is to develop a gender-sensitive subject culture and, like Tailored Career, serves to promote women in higher education and science.

The offers for schoolgirls and high school graduates step in MINT and Niedersachsen Technikum (not in PP III) are recruitment programmes to attract female students. The focus is on motivating students for STEM subjects and target group-specific programmes in the transition to a STEM degree course.

Diversity mentoring (from SQM) offers students from all disciplines who face barriers in their studies for various reasons better orientation and support in everyday university life.



Family-friendly structures are created through flexible working time models, daycare centres and flexible childcare, the family-friendly university audit, the "Family at the university" charter and the guidelines for family-friendly management. Our Diversity - Diversity in the University strategy supports student diversity and academics from Germany and abroad and promotes (digital) accessibility. Gender and Diversity Studies creates innovative teaching programmes and integrates gender aspects into research and teaching.


The staff of the individual programmes will be happy to inform you about all the services and advice on offer. Use the navigation bar to go to our programmes.

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