The process

After graduating from high school, you will start your Niedersachsen-Technikum on September 1.
Over the next six months, you will complete a paid internship in a company in the region and get to know the everyday working life of engineers or computer scientists. The internship salary is approx. 400€ - 500€ per month.

One day a week you will visit the TU Braunschweig together with the other "Technikantinnen", take part in a selected course and have the opportunity to take your first university examination. You will learn about degree programmes in computer science and engineering, the campus and everyday life at the university, as well as getting answers to your questions about studying.

At a final event at the end of February of the following year, you will present a piece of work from your internship and receive your certificate of participation.


During your Niedersachsen Technikum, you will gain a realistic and practice-oriented insight into studying and working life and can check whether a technical study subject interests you and is right for you.