Care for relatives

Care for relatives

Caring relatives are faced with the special challenge of reconciling care and work or study. This is often associated with a high psychological and physical burden for the carers.
With the following information, we would like to give you an introduction to the topic and - without claiming to be complete - inform you about the possibilities of taking time off and support offers in and outside of the TU Braunschweig.

We offer events on the topic of caring for relatives through the human resources development programme.


Supra-regional offer "Care in focus"

Online series of events organized by the network of family service offices at universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen

In the coming winter semester, the family service offices at universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen are once again offering a series of online events entitled "Care in Focus" as part of a cooperation.

The various online events on changing topics are aimed at employees, lecturers and students at colleges and universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen. 

The next series of lectures will be published at the beginning of October. Register if you care for or support relatives or organize care for them, even at a distance, or if you are simply interested in the topic or expect to take on care responsibilities in the future. Participation is free of charge.

Registration and information from October 2024 at: 
Care in Focus 

With the emergency folder „Ich bin vorbereitet“ (I am prepared) from berufundfamilie Service GmbH, you can be well prepared in the event of illness or nursing care and have all the necessary and helpful documents to hand.

You will receive the emergency folder by e-mail from the Family Office as an interactive pdf document.

This version is barrier-free and includes a description of all images and fields for processing by a screen reader.

The document can still be filled out and saved on the PC like a form. Alternatively, the emergency folder can be printed out and filled in by hand.

As it contains sensitive data, it is important to ensure that it is stored in a safe place.

Our information flyers "Notfallkarte für einen plötzlichen Pflegefall" (Emergency card for a sudden case of care) and "Freistellungsmöglichkeiten und Unterstützungsangebote für pflegende Angehörige" (Time off opportunities and support services for caring relatives) are currently being revised.

Pause button - Those who help others sometimes need help themselves

In 2018, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), in cooperation with "Nummer gegen Kummer e.V.", initiated the nationwide project Pausentaste - Wer anderen hilft, braucht manchmal selbst Hilfe (Pause Button - Those who help others sometimes need help themselves) to offer help and support to children, teenagers and young adults who are caring for a relative. 

The website contains reports, interviews, link tips and a database for searching for support options, as well as materials to download. The aim is to help caring children and young people to reduce overload and break down isolation.

Information brochure on "Studying with care responsibilities"

On October 6, 2022, the CHE (Center for Higher Education Development) together with the association Familie in der Hochschule e.V. published an information brochure on the topic of "Studying with care responsibilities".
The number of people in need of care in Germany has been growing for years. As a result, the proportion of students who are involved in caring for parents, grandparents or partners is also increasing. Experts, for example from the nationwide association Familie in der Hochschule e.V., assume that on average one to two students with care responsibilities take part in every seminar at a university. The often time-consuming and mentally and physically stressful care work demands a lot from them. The consequences for their studies can range from missing seminar deadlines to dropping out.
A current guide from the "CHE  short + compact" series now answers the most important questions about support services for students with care responsibilities.
Guide for students caring for relatives (

Note: This page does not claim to be complete. Furthermore, legal regulations and service agreements can change; legally binding information can therefore only be provided by the responsible authorities or departments of the TU Braunschweig.