Single parents

Single parents often face particular challenges when it comes to coordinating children, studies and often also a part-time job.
With the following information on offers and contact points, we would like to give interested parents an initial overview and are of course also available for personal counselling.

Regional offers

The city of Braunschweig has already compiled some help and information on its website

BETA  - Counselling centre for parents in separation situations and single parents in Braunschweig

VAMV - Association of single mothers and fathers in Braunschweig

BEJ - Counselling for families, parents and young people in Braunschweig and Gifhorn, a parenting advice centre at Domplatz

The Braunschweiger Bündnis für Familie offers a flexible childcare service that complements the existing range of daycare centres and childminders. The carers can help with short-term childcare shortages.

The Haus der Familie has been firmly rooted in the city of Braunschweig for many years with its educational programme for parents, children, young people, men and women. A wide range of individual events, ongoing courses and seminars, workshops, holiday programmes for school children and further education courses are offered every six months.

Supra-regional offers

MIA - Mothers' Initiative for Single Parents in Association
The initiative endeavours to create awareness for single mothers and provides assistance with information about topics such as custody, parental leave and balancing work and parenting.
"What you need to consider from birth" -  brochure

Pro Familia counselling for single pregnant women, single parents or separated parents.

The brochure "Alleinerziehend - Tipps und Informationen", of the "Bundesverband der alleinerziehenden Mütter und Väter e.V." has compiled tips and information on pregnancy and birth, separation and divorce, reconciliation of child and career, social welfare, costs of legal advice and much more

Financial offers

Financing offers are summarised under the heading Financing