Campus Tours

How much of the campus do you know? We're guessing you didn't explore all the hidden corners during your time as a student. But perhaps you did have a favourite hidden spot or two? Let's reminisce together and discover something new.


Campus Tour 1: Hidden & Forbidden

They still exist. Even in this day and age. Hidden or difficult to access places that have exciting stories to tell. Discover university history with us in an entertaining way and take a look behind the scenes that are otherwise not so easy to see.

We reveal charming TU facets and let our university shine in a new light.

Hochspannungshalle am Institut für Hochspannungstechnik und Elektrische Energieanlagen elenia
Hochspannungshalle am Institut für Hochspannungstechnik und Elektrische Energieanlagen mit Marx-Generator und Kyostat.
Im Botanischen Garten der TU Braunschweig
Bees in the Botanical Garden.

Campus Tour 2: Green Carolo-Wilhelmina

A university is not just a place of teaching and research. We have an ecological, social and societal responsibility that we fulfil in many different ways. TU Braunschweig has set itself ambitious goals for energy-efficient and sustainable living and behaviour. Whether administration, teaching or research - we all bear responsibility.

On this campus tour, we will show you the green side of our university.

Campus Tour 3: At Home In The Future

We are proud to see time and again how our alumni have played their part in pioneering developments in industry, business and society. As a university of technology, we are laying the first foundation stone here. And with our research specialisms 'Mobility', 'Metrology', 'Engineering for Health' and 'City of the Future', we continue to strive to set new standards.

Join us at TU locations that are researching a smarter and more resource-efficient future.

PIV-Messung am Institut für Strömungsmechanik: Particle Image Velocimetry ist eine optische Methode zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern.
Institut für Strömungsmechanik: Particle Image Velocimetry ist eine optische Methode zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern.

General Information About The Campus Tours

Plan about 60 to 90 minutes for a campus tour and make your booking with us at least 4 weeks in advance. Simply send an e-mail to the Alumni & Career Services team, alumni(at)

Would you like to include other topics? Then book a customised tour and discuss it with us beforehand.

Our tours are organised for a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 people.