Become A Supporter!

Es wird eine Hand gezeigt, in der eine junge Pflanze wächst.

Overcoming your own limits, thinking and acting big requires curiosity and courage. However, many important projects might never have been realised if there hadn't been people who believed in promising young scientists, for example, and supported them in a variety of ways.

Having a mentor or sponsor at your side can be enormously inspiring - for both sides.

Sharing Success Stories And Strengthening Networks

One effective way to support the alumni of our institution is to share your own career experiences. By participating in various Alumni*ae Talk formats, you can provide valuable insights into the career paths and challenges you have overcome. In addition, providing a personal portrait on our website is another opportunity to share your story and career development with others. These contributions not only inspire future graduates, but also foster a strong alumni network characterised by mutual exchange and support.

Friends And Supporters Association Of The TU Braunschweig

The Braunschweigische Hochschulbund e.V. is a non-profit association. With its membership fees and donations, the Hochschulbund supports both student groups and the exchange between the university and the region. In addition, the association awards the annual Heinrich Büssing Prize for outstanding dissertations and post-doctoral theses. As a member of the Hochschulbund, you have the opportunity to take advantage of university sports activities and participate in attractive events.

Further information can be found at here.

Help Us To Realise Dreams And Big Ideas!

Did you realise that there are even more opportunities to promote young talent, support student associations or improve teaching, for example?

Information on the awarding of prizes and scholarships, the Carolo Wilhelmina Foundation and the great funding successes can be found here.