
Was ist Umweltingenieurwesen? | What is environmental engineering?

Video zum Studiengang Umweltingenieurwesen an der TU Braunschweig

Bachelor's programme in Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers need to be knowledgeable in a variety of fields. Therefore, the study programme is structured in a versatile way. The range of subjects covers geotechnics and geomonitoring, energy engineering, construction, environmental and resource-friendly construction, process engineering, supply and waste management, transport and infrastructure, and water engineering.

First of all, you will learn the theoretical subjects of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences as well as legal and economic fundamentals in the basic area to acquire the important tools of the trade. The introduction to these basics is designed to help you understand how to design and manage the use of important resources such as energy, water, soil, building materials, etc. The further more application-oriented basic knowledge of the subject-specific areas serves to deepen your interests. We initially train our environmental engineers as generalists. During the Master's programme, students develop into specialists by choosing specialisations.

Environmental engineering in Braunschweig is distinguished in the area of teaching and research by the many years of experience of the lecturers. Interdisciplinary research activities link sub-areas of civil engineering with working groups from other faculties and non-university research institutions in Braunschweig such as the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) and the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI).


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to start your studies in the summer semester 2025!

  • until January 15 (for Non-EU Applicants)
  • until April 1 (for EU Applicants)

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