Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Apply now

for your start of studies in the sommer semester 2025!

Application Deadline:

  • for Bachelor's degree programme until April 1 (for EU Applicants)

How to apply

Was ist Umweltingenieurwesen? | What is environmental engineering?

Video zum Studiengang Umweltingenieurwesen an der TU Braunschweig

The daily news clearly shows the need for environmental engineers on the labour market. Natural disasters and climate change, endangered nuclear waste repositories, disturbed ecosystems and scarcity of raw materials with an increasing world population are just a few examples. The solutions to these problems must be sustainable and should protect and preserve our world.

Environmental engineering is an engineering degree programme and addresses these challenges. Among other things, it deals with the topics of environmental protection and sustainability as well as the use of renewable energies.

The Bachelor's degree programme teaches the basics of environmental engineering, while the consecutive Master's degree extends their fundamental knowledge.

Bachelor Environmental Engineering

Master Environmental Engineering


Eröffnung des großen Wellenkanals

Nachrichten aus dem Bereich Umweltingenieurwesen

Führung durch die Wasserbauhallen der UNAM.

LWI HYDRIV | Hurrikanen auf der Spur

Deutsch-mexikanische Forschung zum Hochwassermanagement

In ihrer Masterarbeit am Institut für Verkehrswesen, Eisenbahnbau und -betrieb (IVE) hat Merle Riecke den OpenBikeSensor durch die Integration eines Feinstaubsensors weiterentwickelt.

IVE | Feinstaubmessung per Fahrrad

Masterstudentin der TU Braunschweig entwickelt OpenBikeSensor weiter

Prof. Dr. Vincent Oettel

iBMB Massivbau | Herzlich willkommen Prof. Vincent Oettel!

CHE Ranking - Mitmachen!

CHE-Studierendenbefragung | Frist verlängert!

Antrittsvorlesungen von Prof. Dr. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann und Prof. Dr. Ilhan Özgen

IGÖ | Bilder von den Antrittsvorlesungen

Dr. Kathrin Kühnhammer

IGÖ | Dr. Kathrin Kühnhammer erhält den Matthäi-Preis

Neujahrsempfang der Fakultät 3

FK3 | Neujahrsempfang 2025 unter Quallen

Antrittsvorlesungen von Prof. Dr. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann und Prof. Dr. Ilhan Özgen

IGÖ | Antrittsvorlesungen von Prof. Dr. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann und Prof. Dr. Ilhan Özgen

News of the faculty

can be found under news.

Job advertisements

for students and graduates can be found here.