Barke A., Thies C., Popien J., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Spengler S. T.;
Life cycle sustainability assessment of potential battery systems for electric aircraft.
Blech C., Sreekumar K. H., Römer U., Bollhöfer M., Langer C. S.;
Ein adaptives hybrides Verfahren zur Modellordnungsreduktion von dynamischen Systemen im Frequenzbereich
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), Berlin
Cao Y., Fauth L., Mertens A., Friebe J.;
Comparison and Analysis of Multi-State Reliability of Fault-Tolerant Inverter Topologies for the Electric Aircraft Propulsion System.
Fauth L., Beckemeier C., Friebe J.;
A Hybrid Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter consisting of Si IGBTs and GaN HEMTs for Auxiliary Systems of Electric Aircraft.
Fauth L., Friebe J. a. M. P.;
Selection of Test Site Locations for LongTerm Cosmic Radiation Tests
Fauth L., Mand P., Friebe J.;
Selection of Test Site Locations for Long-Term Cosmic Radiation Tests
Mesago PCIM GmbH
Franco A., Ewert R., Mößner M., Delfs W. J.;
Towards a Fast Non-Empiric Source Model for Installed Rotor Noise.
Franco A., Ewert R., Soni M. M., Mößner M., Delfs W. J.;
Fast Non-empiric Propeller Source Noise Model with Mean Flow.
Springer International Publishing
Franco A., Mößner M., Ewert R., Delfs W. J.;
On the Application of Line Distributed Singularities for Fast Non-Empirical Prediction of Tonal Rotor Noise
Geier S., Petersen J., Eilenberger M., Wierach P.;
Robust and Powerful Structural Integrated Thin Film Supercapacitors for Lightweight Space Structures.
Goldmann A., Dinkelacker F.;
Experimental Study on Lean Blowout Limits of Turbulent Premixed Hydrogen/Ammonia/Air Mixtures.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Grappadelli C. M., Sattler S., Scholz P., Radespiel R., Badrya C.;
Experimental investigations of boundary layer transition on a flat plate with suction.
Gröhlich M., Bauer R., Böswald M.;
Viskoelastische Dämpfungsoptimierung von Flugzeugflügeln .
Verein deutscher Ingenieure e.V.
Hahn D., Haupt M.;
Passive Load Alleviation by Nonlinear Mounting of Airfoils in 2-DOF Models.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V..
Herberhold M. B. K., Voß A.;
Aeroelastic Load Selection based on Elements Indices.
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Conceptual Design Trade Study for an Energy-Efficient Mid-Range Aircraft with Novel Technologies.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Development of a Multi-fidelity Design, Analysis, and Optimization Environment for Future Transport Aircraft .
Lück S., Göing J., Wittmann T., Kirsch B., Benjamin L., Friedrichs J.;
Propeller Design and Performance Evaluation with Partially Prescribed Velocity Distribution.
Mosca V., Elham A.;
IDMEC Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa Portugal
Petersen J., Geier S., Wierach P.;
Integrated thin film Supercapacitor as multifunctional Sensor System.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Prasannakumar A., Grappadelli C. M., Seitz A., Badrya C.;
Transpiration Pressure Loss and Suction Threshold on a Flat-Plate Employing Boundary Layer Suction.
Roche J., Friebe J., Niggemann O.;
Neural Network Modeling of Nonlinear Filters for EMC Simulation in Discrete Time Domain.
Seidler M., Sivamoorthy K., Friedrichs J.;
Introduction of a Streamline Curvature Design Methodology for the Vortex Design of Shape Adaptive Compressor Blading.
Sudhi, Radespiel A., Badrya R., Camli;
Design of Transonic Swept Wing for HLFC Application.
Voigt J., Jurke K., Schultz J., Römer U., Friedrichs J.;
Quantifying Model Uncertainties and Sensitivities in Parallel Compressor Models.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Wiedemann, Badrya M., Prasannakumar C., Lobitz A., Traub L., Heimbs H., Hühne S., Saemann C., Buelow P., Scheffler C., Brod S., Tariq M., Muzzamil;
The Suction Panel - xHLFC Efficiency and Structural Solution for Energy Efficient Aviation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics