The annual review is a concrete step towards bringing the goals and values of TU Braunschweig to life:
The annual dialogue between managers and their employees offers both sides the opportunity to strengthen their job satisfaction by providing confidential feedback on their work situation and discussing opportunities for promotion, development and participation.
This makes a significant contribution to the further development of TU Braunschweig as a whole.
Employees decide whether they wish to accept their manager's invitation.
The basis for this is Dienstvereinbarung no. 44 on conducting annual review.
A regular, confidential and structured dialog to increase the job satisfaction and further development of all employees and, as a result, the TU Braunschweig.
Managers and employees draw a joint conclusion of the past working year, find out about their current work situation and cooperation, identify potential taking into account the existing or future framework conditions, make agreements - if desired - and thus create transparency for the coming year.
Every single employee makes an important contribution to the achievement of TU Braunschweig's goals, which should be individually recognized through the annual review. The open, respectful and appreciative exchange not only contributes to this, but also to greater clarity for daily actions. This uncovers valuable potential for research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer.
Trusting, voluntary, appreciative, respectful and in a pleasant, appropriate environment.
Managers from administration, staff units and central facilities offer all employees an appointment for an annual review, regardless of their status, contract duration, contract limitation or age. The dialogue takes place once a year. The manager invites employees to attend at least two weeks in advance.
No, no one can be forced to attend an annual review. The annual review is an offer to all employees, who can decide for themselves whether they wish to accept their manager's invitation. There are no disadvantages if the invitation is declined.
Yes, all managers from administration, staff units and central facilities at TU Braunschweig are obliged to do so in accordance with DV No. 44 §2 (2) to invite the employees directly assigned to them to the annual review. Whether an annual review is held depends on the voluntary commitment to the annual review of the respective employee.
For all employees of the administration, staff units and central facilities of TU Braunschweig, regardless of status, contract duration, contract limitation or age, at least the offer of an annual review by the immediate manager is mandatory. Other organizational units are free to conduct the interviews.
The key questions for the annual review are available to all employees and managers throughout the year. These can be used individually to prepare for the annual review. Information events organized by the central facility Professional and Personnel a can also be used to prepare for the annual review. Details can be found in the Further training for staff.
The date of the annual review should be set with a sufficient time window and take place in a trusting, calm atmosphere.
By mutual agreement, which is confirmed by their signature, the manager and employee document the contents of the annual review in the documentation guide provided for this purpose. Both participants receive a copy of the document, which must be kept in accordance with data protection regulations until after the following annual review or change of manager, unless otherwise agreed. There is also the option of completing the appropriate measure sheet for forwarding to third parties if required, should such actions arise from the dialog.
The online confirmation form is used to evaluate the annual review and should ideally be completed by the respective manager after each interview. Quality assurance of the annual review is also ensured via the feedback form and an evaluation workshop with employees after two years.
The online confirmation form and online feedback form will be displayed here AFTER LOGIN (see Quicklinks - top right corner).
You can find all documents relating to the annual meeting in the Infoportal under:
Note: The link can only be opened in Chrome. If Chrome is not your default browser, copy the link with a right-click and paste it into Chrome.
Anke Formaniak
Management Professional and Personnel Development
Bültenweg 88, 2. OG
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49-531-391-4358
Dr. Anne Fleige
Management Professional and Personnel Development
Bültenweg 88, 2. OG
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49-531-391-4103
Dr. Ina von Zelewski
Health and Integration Management
Bültenweg 88, 1. OG
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49-531-391-4360
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Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0