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Requirement form for first aid material (in German)
Documentation sheet first aid services (in German)
Accident insurance consultants Germany-wide (in German)
At the TU Braunschweig there are defibrillators, so-called AED (Automated External Defibrillators), at numerous locations.
These are available for first aid for ventricular fibrillation (cardiac arrest) and can be used by trained laypersons and first aiders.
After the onset of ventricular fibrillation, survival and a good prognosis depend largely on the following early first aid measures:
- Cardiac pressure massage (30 x) alternating with respiration (2 x)
- Defibrillation = Anwendung eines definierten Elektroschocks mittels Defibrillator.
Defibrillator locations TU Braunschweig, alphabetically by street name
Third section First aid
§ 24 General obligations of the employer
The employer must ensure that the necessary equipment and material resources as well as the necessary personnel are available for first aid and rescue from danger. The employer must ensure that first aid is provided immediately after an accident and that the necessary medical care is arranged.
§ 25 Required facilities and material resources
Taking into account the operating conditions, the employer must ensure, by means of reporting facilities and organisational measures, that the necessary assistance can be summoned immediately and directed to the site of operation.
The first-aid training (since April 2015) takes place in a one-day first-aid course (9 teaching units). In order to remain a first aider, further training is required at least every 2 years through the so-called first aid training course (9 teaching units).
Registration for first aid courses and special courses on Personalweiterbildung.
First aid rooms, means and facilities for first aid ASR A4.3
5.1 Signalling devices
(1) The employer shall have permanently accessible signalling devices (e.g. telephone with indication of the emergency numbers) in workplaces for making an emergency call without delay.
Form first-aiders, locations defi and first aid kit, safety officers (in German)