FID-licences The Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie (Specialised Information Service Pharmacy) currently provides full-text access to 56 specialised journals (including about 140.000 articles) for university-based pharmaceutical scientists. These journals are accessible campus-wide at the German university locations with pharmaceutical faculties. Additionally, there is a limited license contingent for scientists from other public institutions. The journals are provided by the Competence Centre for Licensing Electronic Resources (KfL), and the articles are searchable with PubPharm.
Development and enhancement of the PubPharm search platform PubPharm is a search engine for pharmaceutical literature with more than 60 million searchable publications (09/2023), including 36 million from the database Medline (PubMed). Furthermore, journal articles from adjacent scientific disciplines, books (e-books and international dissertations), conference papers, preprints, patents and information on clinical trials are included. At the same time, freely accessible subject-specific information resources have been integrated, providing further pharmaceutical compound-related data. A structure-based search capability (including substructure and structure similarity search) complements the text-based search. PubPharm is a discovery system based on the open-source software VuFind. The back end, the central search index K10plus, is operated by the GBV Association (VZG). PubPharm undergoes a process of continuous development. For example, the new PubPharm website, based on TYPO3, is online since 08/2023. Extensive information about PubPharm is provided in the PubPharm Help.
Development of innovative services In cooperation with the Institute for Information Systems innovative search tools are being developed as unique PubPharm characteristics, e.g., the display of related substances, diseases/symptoms and genes when searching for drugs or diseases. If a developed prototype receives positive feedback from the scientific community, it will be integrated into the PubPharm search platform. Within the scope of narrative intelligence, approaches to plausibilise research hypotheses are being explored. These approaches comprise precise literature research as well as a structuring of the existing literature based on scientific argumentations. Two services have already emerged from this research activity: Narrative Service and Drug Overviews.
Subject-specific repository In the third funding period, the pharmacy-specific repository pharmRxiv was established.
Collaboration with the pharmaceutical research community Intensive and systematic feedback from the scientific community guarantees the requirements-based and user-centric orientation of all services.
Advisory board An advisory board consisting of scientists from pharmacy and computer science supports the ongoing development of the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie. Meetings are held annually.
Presentations at scientific conferences The services of the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie are presented at scientific conferences. These conferences offer the possibility to inform scientists directly and learn about their needs and requirements in a personal conversation.
Webinars and roadshows Webinars and roadshows are used to inform scientists about the services of the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie.
PubPharm Blog The PubPharm Blog,X (Twitter), Mastodon, and LinkedIn account provide information on the latest developments in the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie and content and functional enhancements of PubPharm.
Data management and integration PubPharm is continuously expanded with pharmacy-relevant data from heterogeneous sources, e.g., additional clinical trials, fact and research data.
Digitisation and Open Access Services Until now, 1,700 books and 700 journal volumes, predominantly from the 19th and 20th centuries, have been digitised. They are open access available via the LeoPARD (Braunschweig University Digital Library). For example, "Süddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung", "Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung" and "Pharmazeutische Zeitung“ can be found in the repository. The Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie actively promotes Open Access Publishing and offers consulting and support services in this area.
Research data management The Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie is a participant in the NFDI4Chem consortium, and thus involved in the development of a National Research Data Infrastructure for chemistry and pharmacy communities. For example, the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie is developing an Electronic Lab Notebook in close cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for university-based research in pharmacy. In the NFDI4Chem task area 'Community Involvement and Training', roadshows and webinars are offered, and subject-specific training material is developed.