Your path to studying at TU Braunschweig

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Going to university after your A-levels would be cool - but you don't really know where to go yet? You're not alone - somehow it's the same for most people.

That's why: Discover here what you can study at TU Braunschweig. Find out which degree programme suits your interests and when you can visit our campus to get a taste of university life.

You can find all this on this page:

Already know what you want to study? Then here's the shortcut: Apply or enrol directly.

Go to enrolment

Where prospective students meet real university life

Throughout the year, you can get to know our university at a variety of events - either with your entire class, with friends or on your own. In addition to our special programmes for prospective students, there is also a lot going on on campus. Want to drop by? Follow us on Instagram to find out more about events and news.


Open Class

Icon zur Open Class

We open our doors. Sit with your friends in real lectures that are currently running and find out whether the degree programmes really interest you.

Read more about Open Class

HIT — University Information Day

Icon zum HIT

Our HIT is an information day for everyone. On your own, with your parents, your school class or with friends: Spend a day discovering study programmes and campus life without filters.

Read more about the  HIT

Open Class+ – for school classes

Icon zur Open Class +

Would you like to attend a lecture with one of your high school classes? This is possible with Open Class+. Just arrange it with your subject teacher.

Read more about Open Class+

Find your way to university

You may already know exactly what you don't want to do. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have a clear idea of what life will be like after you graduate from highschool.


We have put together some information to help you on your way to university.

Our degree programmes

3 Studierende

With over 90 degree programmes to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming. You can work your way from A to Z, browse or search.

Go to degree programmes

Our Studi-Check

Studierende auf dem Universitätsplatz

Stressed out because you don't know what you want to study? The Studi-Check can help you find degree programmes that might suit you.

Go to Fit4TU

Our student counselling service

2 Studierende

Feeling a little lost with all the information and options? Our student counselling service can definitely help you.

Go to Central Student Advisory Service

Application and enrolment

Studierende im Audimax

Yes. You know what you want to study! Congratulations! The rest is just paperwork. But don't worry. We'll help you with that too.

Go to enrolment

Braunschweig – Our city

Do you want to live in a big city that isn't too big? In a green city? A city where you can cycle to culture, concerts and friends? Braunschweig is just that and it is also a pretty exciting city, with a lot of history and a vibrant young scene. Our campus is right in the centre - and you have every opportunity to organise your uni days. You'll see: You'll soon feel at home in Braunschweig.