...is a central body of the TU Braunschweig in addition to the Presidium and the University Council in accordance with §§ 36 and 41 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). It decides on the basic regulations of the university and the other regulations, as far as the faculties are not responsible, as well as the development planning and the equal opportunities plan. The Senate has a comprehensive right to information from the Presidium and gives its statement on all self-governing issues of fundamental importance.
The President convenes the sessions of the Senate, draws up the agenda and chairs them without having the right to vote. On behalf of the President, the President's Office manages the business of the Senate and is in charge of the minutes, the meeting service and the archive of decisions.
The Senate convenes as often as business requires, usually once a month on a Wednesday. In principle, it convenes in a university public session. Accordingly, the session is only open to members and affiliates of the TU Braunschweig, depending on the available space. The university audience is excluded from the discussion of agenda items in the non-public part in accordance with the legal provisions.
The Senate consists of 13 directly elected members with voting privileges. In accordance with § 41 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act, it is constituted as follows:
In addition, 14 advisory members belong to the Senate. According to § 9 of the Grundordnung (GrundO) these are:
Management of the university committees