The Cluster of Excellence Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation (SE²A) is once again offering an extensive programme as part of "Girls' Day - Girls' Future Day" on 3 April 2025 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. At the participating institutes, girls and young women can learn, for example, how to get the best possible protection in an aircraft, how an engine works, what effects currents have on an aircraft or what climate-related topics aviation research at TU Braunschweig is currently working on. The programme is aimed at girls of different grades. This year, registration is only possible via the website of the nationwide coordination centre "Girls'Day - Girls' Future Day".
Insights into the last Future Day 2024 at SE²A can be found here.
Safe on aeroplanes (grades 5 to 7)
In 2023, over 185,000 passengers took off or landed on an aeroplane every day in Germany. Naturally, they all want to arrive at their destination safe and sound. The aeroplane is generally regarded as one of the safest means of transport. This is no coincidence, but is due to the fact that passenger safety in air travel is taken very seriously. At the Institute of Aircraft Design and Lightweight Structures (IFL), we focus on how you can be protected in an aircraft in the best possible way. In our test hangar, you can see how an aircraft is actually built and we will explain to you how we ensure safety in the aircraft. You will then become a designer yourself. Can you manage to protect a fragile egg as a small ‘passenger’ from a crash using craft materials?
Fully booked
Flight propulsion and air flows (from grade 8)
How does an engine work? When does an engine need to be serviced? We take a look at an exhibition engine and learn how it basically works. We will talk about wear and damage to an engine and you can actively try to find damage to engine blades that would lead to removal from the engine. We also talk about current research projects at the Institute of Aircraft Propulsion and Turbomachinery (IFAS). We will also carry out our own experiments in a wind tunnel at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISM), giving us an insight into the experimental work at our institute.
Fully booked
The future of aviation (from grade 8)
Aviation will once again face various challenges in the coming years. Air transport must make great efforts to achieve the climate targets set by politicians and society. The Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) is dedicated to this challenge in various facets. On Girls' Day, we will provide insights into our current research and offer a hands-on exercise to participate in. The programme is especially designed for schoolgirls from grade 8 onwards.
Fully booked
Johanna Göschel, M.A.
Scientific coordinator
+49 531 391-66662
Cluster of Excellence SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661