Who are you and what is your research topic?
My name is Hendrik Schefer. I am a research assistant at the Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives at TU Braunschweig.
Which research question are you working on?
I am researching electrical power supply in aircraft. Power electronics play an important role here. Due to the substitution of conventional components, high power densities are required. Large bandgap semiconductors are of particular interest to meet this high power density requirement. Another challenge is the reliability of the component. Therefore, a methodology should be derived.
What inspires you about your research?
I am thrilled to discover new technical challenges and to overcome them. In particular, the large electrical output that must be made available under the harsh environmental conditions and the given requirements. Some criteria in aviation clearly stand out from the laws on earth.
Why is your topic relevant for future aviation?
With the increasing world population and the growing desire for mobility, new challenges for our global coexistence arise. In 2020, our global society is already facing major problems. The future requires new approaches, innovations and courage.
What is special about participating in the interdisciplinary research network SE²A?
The cluster offers the possibility to get in touch with a variety of other scientific disciplines. Through the exchange, above all, the understanding of other perspectives and methodologies is improved. Besides, the results of the work must be presented in an understandable way to those outside the field. Furthermore, interdisciplinary qualifications are acquired which can be helpful for a later industrial or scientific career.
Cluster of Excellence SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661