Who are you and what is your research topic?
My name is Tobias Müller, I am a junior researcher and PhD student at the Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade at Leibniz University Hannover. I am part of the Junior Research Project "Hydrogen in sustainable aviation: Macroeconomic impacts and state intervention". In this project we deal with the macroeconomic perspective of hydrogen-powered aviation in Germany.
Which research question are you working on?
Concretely, we want to make an overall economic assessment of hydrogen utilization in the aviation sector. In doing so, we focus on two research questions: (1) What are the macroeconomic impacts of hydrogen-powered aviation compared to continuing conventional air transport? (2) What are the effects of state interventions on the hydrogen market? To answer these questions, we will develop a simulation model based on data of the national accounts. Different scenarios will be tested with regard to their effects on various macro-indicators like gross domestic product, the employment situation or price dynamics. Additionally, the quantitative impact of governmental instruments like taxes and subsidies will be investigated.
What inspires you about your research?
I am particularly excited by the twofold relevance of our project that connects economic and ecological sustainability. First, it addresses climate change which is mankind’s greatest challenge of this century. By assessing the role of hydrogen, our project contributes to an ecologically sustainable aviation sector. Moreover, our research deals with macroeconomic questions regarding the transformation of the aviation sector. This perspective is highly relevant as it addresses the macroeconomic sustainability. Overall, our research aims to create impact in the scientific as well as in the practical context. This is very inspiring to me.
Why is your topic relevant for future aviation?
Particularly aviation faces the necessity to transform itself. Hydrogen currently appears to have the greatest potential as a substitute for fossil fuels in aviation. In addition to the technological implementation, however, policymakers and industry must address the question of how hydrogen-based aviation can succeed in the best possible way from an economic perspective. After all, we want to shape an ecological transformation that will secure our prosperity and jobs. For this reason, we are also investigating the effectiveness of governmental instruments in this transformation process.
What is special about participating in the interdisciplinary research network SE²A?
I find it incredibly exciting to be part of such a large and multifaceted project network. What makes it special for me is the diversity of perspectives from which the topic of "sustainable aviation" is viewed. On the one hand, this creates synergies for our own research project. On the other hand, you get to know many exciting people in such a large cluster and have the opportunity to network among researchers. In this context, I am particularly looking forward to SE²A's offers for PhD students to exchange ideas and learn from each other.
Cluster of Excellence SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661