News and Events


Plasma lactate acts as a metabolic buffer after food intake

The human body is constantly trying to keep nutrient levels in balance, inside the cells but also in the blood stream. When we consume food, large…

New Drug Candidates from Known Compounds

Big data platform for drug repurposing presented

In Search of Drug Candidates in the Plant Genome

Professor Boas Pucker heads the Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Team

More Transparency in Artificial Intelligence

AIMe – A Standard for AI in Biomedicine

How Does Alzheimer’s Disease Begin?

"Deep is the well of the past. Should it not be called unfathomable?" (Thomas Mann)

Schlüsselprotein der Trisomie 21 gehemmt

Neuer Ansatz zu einem möglichen Wirkstoff

Auswirkungen von Viren auf das Nervensystem

Iranische Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin Dr. Shirin Hosseini forscht am Zoologischen Institut als Postdoktorandin

Professor Dieter Jahn über Long Covid

Wissenschaftspodcast „Wissen schafft Zukunft“ mit Professor Dieter Jahn über das Post-Covid-Syndrom.

FEBS Anniversary Prize 2021 für BRCIS-Forscher Prof. Simon Ebbinghaus

Der Preis wird von der Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM) für herausragende Leistungen von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen auf dem…

New Drug Grips Tumor Cells with Two Arms

Braunschweig antibody in clinical trials in the USA

News from the Core Research Area ""Engineering for Health"

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06 June 2024, 16:00 - 17:00

Engineering for Health - special guest seminar

Engineering for Health - special guest seminar on June 6th 2024

05 June 2024, 12:00 - 13:00

Meet the BRICS

The BRICS Seminar on June 5th 2024