Project iCA_15-01_2020: Carboxylate functionalized N-heterocyclic Carbene Complexes as Anti-Infectives

Drug discovery relying on natural product compounds and gold complexation is my main job in this project. Nowadays, the synthesis of new drugs is an important topic to study, because of the resistant of microorganisms against existing drugs.

Drug discovery relying on natural product compounds and gold complexation is my main job in this project. Nowadays, the synthesis of new drugs is an important topic to study, because of the resistant of microorganisms against existing drugs. In this project, we work on the synthesis of new drug candidate molecules and evaluation of their activities against microorganisms.

My project title is “Carboxylate functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene complexes as Anti-infectives” which mainly focuses on gold complexes and consists of chemical synthesis and biological evaluation of targeted molecules. There has been a wide use of gold compounds since ancient times, particularly in traditional medicines. During the past decade, gold-based drugs have become an interesting topic in pharmaceutical research and metallodrug chemistry because of their antibacterial activities.

Name of Doctoral Researcher
Seyedeh Mahbobeh Mahdavi

Name of Supervisor
Professor. Dr. Matthias Tamm

Institute / Department
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, TU Braunschweig

Contact details