
Current (public) projects:

Duration Title Funding
2018-2021 AFIM (Automated vehicles in mixed traffic) BMVI
2014-2023 SocialCars (Research Training Group) DFG

Completed (public) projects

Duration Project Funding    
2018-2020 Automated and Manual Driving in Mixed Traffic GDV    
2019 Smartphone use of car drivers 2019 Bast    
2016-2019 KOLA (Kooperatives Fahren mit lichtbasierter Assistenz cooperative driving with light-based assistance) BMBF  
2014-2015 SPRICH (Speech as a Medium in Human-Machine-Interaction) BMBF    
2013-2015 Concept for evaluating the usability of modality-specific warning signals in time-critical driving situations Bast    
2013 Distraction by information and communication systems GDV    
2012-2015 UR:BAN – urbaner Raum: Benutzergerechte Assistenzsysteme und Netzmanagement. Projekt Mensch im Verkehr (User-friendly assistance systems and network management. Project Human in Traffic) BMWI    
2012-2014 Innerstädtische Mobilitätsunterstützung für Blinde und Sehbehinderte INMOBS (Inner-city mobility support for the blind and visually impaired people) BMWI    
2011-2012 Behaviour-related parameters of time-critical driving manoeuvres Bast    
2009-2014 The citizen-centred aircraft Niedersächsisches Vorab    
2009 Distraction due to non-driving activities - feasibility study Bast    
2008-2011 ISI-PADAS – Fahrerfehlermodellierung bei der Entwicklung teilweise autonomer Fahrerassistenzsysteme (Driver error modelling in the development of partially autonomous driver assistance systems) EU