

Engineering psychology

deals with Human-Machine-Interaction. In Braunschweig, we particularly focus on the field of traffic psychology.



Traffic psychology

Why do people behave the way they do in traffic? Why do they make errors that lead to accidents? Why do they choose certain means of transport? Why do they drive too fast? What could be done to avoid errors? How do you get someone to prefer cycling? How do you teach young drivers to drive with foresight, risk awareness and caution?

This is just a small selection of typical questions in traffic psychology. It is about car drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, novice and senior drivers, the effects of distraction, fatigue, or alcohol on performance, and the design and evaluation of assistance and information systems. An understanding of the processes involved in driving and the use of means of transport is essential for this.

In order to clarify these questions, studies can be conducted in the field (observations), in our driving  and cycling simulators (see picture), or on the computer.

[Translate to English:] Bild aus der Fahrsimulation

If you would like to participate in one of our studies, please complete this questionnaire. We will contact you when  new study is planned.