Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching

Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching

Project duration: January 2023 - September 2024

Commissioned by: Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Coordination: Project House (Jasmin Piep, Dr Pamela Bogdanow, Lisa Michalik) and Departement 16 (Malu Dänzer Barbosa, Jana Marquardt)

Titelbild, auf dem ein weißes Puzzlestück in ein ebenfalls weißes Puzzle eingesetzt wird.


In this circle, the Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching at TU Braunschweig are created, which are intended to serve all members of our university as orientation and as a framework for action in the central issues relating to study and teaching. The development of the guiding principles takes place in a participatory manner in cooperation with all members of TU Braunschweig in various exchange formats. Existing strategies, findings from the Covid-19 pandemic and the results of previous workshops form the basis of the guiding principles [in the sense of a draft, i.e. have been incorporated into the draft]. As an element of our teaching and learning culture, it will be anchored in the new system accreditation to be established.

Here you can find the current draft of the Mission Statement for Teaching (23.04.2024):

Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching
(Access only possible for logged in members of the TU Braunschweig)

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us:


Jasmin Piep
☎ + 49 531 391-14092

Dr. Pamela Bogdanow
☎ + 49 531 391-14068

Lisa Michalik
☎ + 49 531 391-14095

Abt. 16:

Malu A. Dänzer Barbosa
☎ + 49 531 391-4105

Jana Marquardt
☎ + 49 531 391-4109