
Graphik Veröffentlichungen

Corporate Design

You can find an initial overview of TU Braunschweig's corporate design here.

A comprehensive collection of background information and templates in various file formats in the TU Braunschweig corporate design can be found in our CD toolbox. This is only accessible to members of TU Braunschweig. You can find the login to the CD Toolbox here.

Picture Data Base

Are you looking for professional images for your presentation, your website or a flyer? Images attract attention and illustrate complex issues.

The picture data base (after logging in with your TU user ID) of the Communication and Press Service offers all TU Braunschweig employees a constantly growing pool of corporate image photos as well as photos on the topics of research and studies to use for research and to download. You can find instructions on how to use the picture data base here.

Tips for science and university communication

In our collection of flyers on science and university communication, we have prepared current topics from media work for you. They summarise the answers to many questions that regularly reach us in our line of work. The information is intended to support you as needed, for example, specifically when media representatives ask you for an interview or a statement or when you would like to offer us your topics.

Even more detailed information on the individual topics can be found on the page Tips on science and university communication.

We will gladly send printed copies of our flyer collection on request.

Contact: Kristina Rottig

Filming and photo permits, rights of use and declarations of consent

Permission for filming and photography for the purpose of reporting on Technische Universität Braunschweig and its facilities is granted by the Communications and Press Service. The form to apply for permission can be found here. If possible, send us your request at least one week before the planned shooting date.

Templates for the production, use and publication of photo, video and sound recordings:

Declaration of consent for the making, use, and publication of photo, video, and sound recordings

Agreement on the use and publication of photo, video, and sound recordings which you did not create yourself:

between the author and TU Braunschweig and its institutions

between the copyright holder and TU Braunschweig and its institutions

(after logging in with your TU user ID)

Informational media on TU Braunschweig and merchandising

Information brochures about TU Braunschweig and presentations with key data about TU Braunschweig (as PowerPoint and pdf) can be found in the section For employees of TU Braunschweig. Printed copies of the information brochures can be ordered from the Communication and Press Service.

Short profiles of TU Braunschweig in video form can be found in the section For everyone interested in TU.

Conference materials and merchandising products of TU Braunschweig for fairs, conferences, stays abroad and guests can be purchased from the Central Office for Continuing Education in the Haus der Wissenschaft. TU Braunschweig institutes can obtain the products at reduced prices via an internal service charge.

The Communication and Press Service is responsible for approving new materials and products in the TU corporate design.


Guidelines for good science PR

The guidelines for good science PR were developed jointly by Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation. They build on the work of the Siggen Circle of representatives from universities, non-university institutions, foundations and other institutions.

Associations and platforms around university and science communication

Communications and Press Service is the designated office of the President responsible for the central communication of the university. As press spokespersons, we represent the university management as well as Carolo-Wilhelmina institutions vis-à-vis the press, media and public. Press releases and press meetings on behalf of the University are issued or conducted by the Communications and Press Service.

Nevertheless, we would like to encourage those responsible for communication at TU Braunschweig to inform themselves, exchange ideas and get involved in the networks and platforms relating to university and science communication. An initial selection of networks and platforms is compiled here.