Film and photo permits

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Permit application for film and photo shoots on TU Braunschweig premises

Permits for film and photo shoots for the purpose of reporting on Technische Universität Braunschweig are issued by the Communications and Press Service. Please complete the form and submit your request at least one week prior to the shoot, if possible.

Please note:

  • The rights of individuals must be observed during film and photo shoots.
  • The normal operations of TU Braunschweig must not be disrupted or affected by the shoot.
  • During shoots, individuals' personal image rights are preserved. The photographer or filmmaker or her/his employer is responsible for obtaining permission where necessary.
  • Recordings are authorised for the specified purpose only. Further utilisation in non-university contexts or transmission of the photo or video material to third parties will require the approval of TU Braunschweig.
  • By entering TU Braunschweig's premises, you are agreeing to our House Rules.

Application form for film and photo permits

By sending this form, you consent to the data you have entered being processed only for the purposes stated when collecting this data.

If the information is being collected based on a legal contract or to fulfil TU Braunschweig’s legal tasks and obligations, you may not object.

You also acknowledge TU Braunschweig’s data protection declaration, according to which your data is processed.