
Latest News

Latest developments at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)

Members of the Institute attended the "33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)" in Copenhagen, Denmark.

5th Workshop Women in Optimization (WiO)

Members of the Institute attended the 5th Workshop "Women in Optimization (WiO)" in Erlangen, Germany.

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Lauri Kröger joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

End-of-course tournament for the computer and advanced computer lab

On February 21, 2024, the end-of-course tournament for the computer lab and advanced computer lab optimization from the winter semester 2023/24 will take place in the CIP pool starting at 1:30 pm. Programmes written by students will play the board game Hex against each other. Spectators are welcome!

10th Winter School on Network Optimization

Members of the Institute attended the "10th Winter School on Network Optimization".

Article accepted

The journal paper "Delay-Resistant Robust Vehicle Routing with Heterogeneous Time Windows" by L. Metz, P. Mutzel, L. Schürmann, T. Niemann, S. Stiller and A. M. Tillmann has been accepted for publication in Computers & Operations Research.

Summer School of the SE²A Cluster of Excellence

From October 17 to 19, Tim Niemann and Frederic Kroner took part in the SE²A Cluster of Excellence's in-house Summer School.

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Martin Köhler joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

New Member Joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization

Artemi Makarow joins the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. Welcome!

6th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO) in Heidelberg

Members of the Institute attended the "6th European Conference on Computational Optimization".

Inaugural Lecture by Maximilian Merkert

On September 19, 2023, Maximilian Merkert's inaugural lecture will take place in the auditorium at Haus der Wissenschaft.

International Conference on Operations Research in Hamburg

Last week, members of the Institute attended the annual conference of the Society for Operations Research in Germany.

Paper accepted

The paper "Cardinality Minimization, Constraints, and Regularization: A Survey" by A. M. Tillmann, D. Bienstock, A. Lodi and A. Schwartz has been accepted for publication in SIAM Review.

MINLP Workshop at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

Members of our institute attended the workshop "Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics" at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.

Article published

Our paper "Reproducible Air Passenger Demand Estimation" by A. M. Tillmann, I. Joormann and S. C. L. Ammann has been published in the Journal of Air Transport Management.