Our research focus "Mobility" aims at a seamless multimodal transport system. TU Braunschweig conducts research on everything from automobiles and aerospace technology to rail transport.
In the research focus "Mobility", researchers investigate innovative technologies for sustainable and environmentally compatible mobility. Topics include the intelligent vehicle and connected driving, charging infrastructure, mobility management and digitalization. In aerospace research, the focus is on reducing emissions and noise pollution as well as the recyclability of air transport systems and the further development of air traffic management.
New materials and production technologies are also key to more sustainable Mobility, as they enable resource-efficient manufacturing of components or drive systems. The spectrum of research into electrochemical energy storage systems covers the entire value chain - from materials development through electrode and cell production to recycling.
We bundle interdisciplinary research in the Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen (NFF). in the Aeronautics Research Centre Niedersachsen (NFL) and in the Cluster of Excellence Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation (SE²A). Key areas of production technology for mobility applications offer a powerful laboratory infrastructure: The Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF) conducts research on lightweight construction technologies with hybrid materials. The Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB) develops high-performance batteries for mobility applications.
Particulate matter, carbon dioxide and other airborne pollutants affect our ...
The results of the “Strategically developing potential” call have been ...
The entire automotive industry and its suppliers are facing a ...
Together, we are working on the locomotion of tomorrow, focusing on interdisciplinary research.
Member | Represented by | Board of Directors |
EXC SE²A | Prof. Jens Friedrichs | Speaker |
Research Center NFF | Prof. Thomas Vietor | Member |
Research Center NFL | Prof. Rolf Radespiel | Member |
Research Training Group Social Cars | Prof. Bernhard Friedrich | |
Transregio "Rocket Propulsion f. Space Transport Systems" | Prof. Joachim Rösler | |
SU Research Center | Prof. Arno Kwade | Member |
FOR 2021 Active principles of nanoscale matrix additives for fiber composite lightweight construction | Prof. Markus Böl | |
Research Center OHLF | Prof. Klaus Dilger | Member |
Science Alliance "Mobilise" | Prof. Peter Hecker | |
Department 1 | Prof. Ines Schäfer | |
Department 2 | (Schröder) | |
Department 3 | Prof. Thomas Siefer | |
Department 4 | Fischer |