Metrology Initiative Braunschweig MIB


Of Magnetic Moments and Iron Oxide

Short portrait of Tamara Kahmann from the NanoMet Research Training Group | In the NanoMet Research Training Group, doctoral students measure…

How Long is a Picometer? – The View of a Single Atom

High resolution microscopy in LENA | As long as it has to be accurate to the millimetre, the domestic folding rule will do. It is more complicated,…

From Zero to Terahertz in Three Years

A short portrait of Marco Tollkühn from the NanoMet Research Training Group | In the NanoMet research training group, doctoral candidates measure…


18 August 2025, 09:00 - 21 August 2025, 14:45

"Assuring trust through metrology"

Summer School

Kloster Drübeck, Ilsenburg

17 April 2025, 16:30 - 17 July 2025, 18:00

Foundations of Metrology - Basic SI Units

Lecture and Lab Visit Series, held at TU Braunschweig and PTB


17 April-17 Juli 2025, Thursdays at 4:30 pm