
Best Young Scientist Award 6th International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-6)

Matin Mohajerani (Institute of Semiconductor Technology, mid) got awarded the student prize at the International Symposium on the Growth of Nitrides ISGN 2015 in Hamamatsu, Japan in November 2015. The prize was handed over by Prof. Amano, the 2014 Nobel Prize winner in physics (right).

Matin Mohajerani, Jana Hartmann, Hao Zhou, Hergo-H. Wehmann, Andreas Waag, Marcus Müller, Peter Veit, Frank Bertram, Jürgen Christen, Hening Schuhmann, Michael Seibt
Direct correlation of structural and optical properties of 3D InGaN/GaN core-shell micro LEDs

Matin Mohajerani awarded the student prize at the International Symposium on the Growth of Nitrides ISGN 2015 in Hamamatsu, Japan in November 2015. The prize was handed over by Prof. Amano, the 2014 Nobel Prize winner in physics (right).