Experimental Fluid Dynamics

Date and time: Wednesday, 10:30 - 12:00
Location: Lecture room 003, Hermann-Blenk-Str. 37
Start: Summer semester, first lecture on April 9th, 2025.
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. A. Bauknecht
Laboratory: Laboratory Measurement Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Language: The lecture and laboratory are in English language.

Course Objective

The students obtain fundamental knowledge on mechanical, electrical and optical measurement techniques to determine
fluid mechanical quantities like pressure, density, velocity, temperature and shear stress. Beyond the basic principle and
the accuracy of the different measurement techniques, the students learn about the limitations of the techniques and how
to improve and expand them. Basic experience in applying the measurement techniques are obtained by mandatory
laboratory experiments.

Course Content

Theory and Experiment, Measurement Uncertainties, Flow visualization methods (smoke, oil flow pictures, laser sheet visualization), pressure measurement, force measurement, hot-wire anemometry, basics of optics, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and its extensions, Schlieren techniques, thermography, pressure sensitive paint (PSP), particle measurement techniques  


Module Variants

The lecture "Experimental Fluid Dynamics" ("formerly: Messmethoden in der Strömungsmechanik") is part of three different modules that differ only in the corresponding laboratory part:

  • Module "Experimental Fluid Dynamics with Lab" (11 CR) with large laboratory course
    • Field of study Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (PO 2014), Wahlpflicht Laborbereich B
    • Field of study Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Wahlpflicht Laborkatalog
    • Field of study Metrologie und Messtechnik, Wahlpflicht Vertiefung Messverfahren und Anwendung
  • Module "Experimental Fluid Dynamics with condensed Lab" (7 CR) with small laboratory course
    • Field of study Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (PO 2014), Wahlpflicht Laborbereich A
    • Field of study Metrologie und Messtechnik (PO 2021), Wahlpflicht Vertiefung Messverfahren und Anwendung
  • Module "Experimental Fluid Dynamics" (5 CR) with mini-laboratory course
    • Field of study Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (PO 2014), Wahlbereich
    • Field of study Data Science (MPO 2021), Wahlpflicht, Data Science in Anwendungen [15-25 LP] - Data Science in Engineering
    • Field of study Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Wahl, Wahlbereich Anwendungen
    • Field of study Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau, Wahlpflicht, Wahlpflichtbereich Luft- u. Raumfahrttechnik
    • Field of study Maschinenbau, Wahl, Wahlbereich Anwendungen